For aspiring painters just starting their artistic journey, selecting the right painting supplies is essential for a smooth and enjoyable experience. With a wide range of options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Here’s a guide to the best supplies for painting for beginners:

Paint brushes:

Invest in a variety of paint brushes suitable for different techniques and applications. A basic set of brushes should include a range of sizes and shapes, including round, flat, and filbert brushes. Synthetic brushes are often more affordable and suitable for beginners, but natural hair brushes may provide better quality and performance.


For beginners, acrylic paints are an excellent choice due to their versatility, fast drying time, and ease of use. Acrylic paints come in tubes or bottles and are available in a wide range of colors. Start with a basic set of primary colors (red, blue, yellow) along with white and black, and gradually expand your collection as needed.

Canvas or painting surface:

Choose a canvas or painting surface appropriate for your chosen medium. Canvas panels or stretched canvases are popular options for acrylic and oil painting, while watercolor paper or mixed media paper works well for watercolor and gouache painting. Consider starting with smaller sizes to practice and experiment with different techniques.


A palette is essential for mixing and blending paints. Opt for a palette with a smooth surface that is easy to clean, such as a plastic or wooden palette. Alternatively, disposable palette pads are convenient for quick cleanup and are ideal for beginners.

Palette knife (Optional):

While not essential for beginners, a palette knife can be a valuable tool for mixing paints, applying texture, and creating unique effects. Consider adding a small palette knife to your painting supplies for experimentation and exploration.

Paint palettes or cups:

Use paint palettes or cups to hold and organize your paints while painting. Plastic or ceramic paint palettes with multiple wells are ideal for keeping colors separate and preventing them from drying out too quickly.

While not necessary for every beginner painter, an easel can provide a comfortable and adjustable surface for painting. Consider investing in a tabletop or standing easel to enhance your painting experience and reduce strain on your back and neck.